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One of the advantages of working in the academic world has been having the opportunity to carry out research on topics that personally interest me. Below, you will find a few papers on some of the topics that I have worked on over the years. As you can tell from the subject matter, I am most interested in the interpersonal exchanges that take place between leaders and followers and between employees and their organizations. Take a closer look!

Digital Leadership

In-depth interviews with managers in the thick of the pandemic revealed something unexpected about leadership behaviors in a 100 % virtual environment. Learn more about both transactional and transformational leadership styles in this poster presentation.


Agile Performance Management

In a virtual work world, we have less contact with our supervisors, and this makes it more difficult for them to evaluate and coach us. This article makes several recommendations for employees so that they can use agile methods to carry out their own performance reviews.

Psychological Contracts and much more!

Are you interested in learning more about psychological contracts?
My doctoral dissertation on this topic can be read in its entirety here … 
better get a cup of coffee before you start!


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